Notes about Imperatori Decks in Ferrara (1423 - 1452)

Exerpt about "Imperatori decks" from: Adriano Francesschini: Artisti a Ferrara in eta umanistica e rinescimentale. Testimonianze archivistiche. Parte I dal 1341 al 1471. Translations by Ross Gregory Caldwell.

The first entry about Imperatori decks is from a Computisteria entry of the Camera Ducale Estense for 1422-24. As Franceschini edits it, it is lines 137ff. under the letter "i".

1423, adi VIIII de octobre
Giovani Bianchin de havere per uno paro de carte da VIII imperadori messe d'oro fino che elo fé vegnere da Fiorenza per Madona Marchexana, le quale have Zoexe famio de la dicta dona; costono fiorini 7, nove, e per spexe da Fiorenza a Ferrara soldi 6 de bolognini; in tuto valgono
..... L. XIIII.VI. de bolognini

Io Giovani Bianchini scripsi adi soprascripto
1423, on the day 9 October Giovanni Bianchini to have for one pack of cards of VIII Emperors gilded, which was brought from Florence for Milady Marchesana (Parisina d'Este), which Zoesi * (name of the servant) servant of said Lady had; priced 7 florins, new, and for expenses (of the transport) from Florence to Ferrara 6 Bolognese soldi; in all valued
….. L. XIIII.VI. Bolognese

I Giovanni Bianchini wrote it on the above-written day.

* Zoesi or Zoese, the servant of Parisina, is later involved in the tragedy of Parisina. Frizzi tells: "It happened one day that a servant of the Marquis, named Zoese, or, as some call him, Giorgio, passing before the apartments of Parisina, saw going out from them one of her chamber-maids, all terrified and in tears." Zoese detects the love affaire between Ugo and Parisina by requesting the weeping maid and reports the case to Niccolo III. Then the dark destiny takes its run.

This is apparently the only note about Imperatori cards until 1443-44
Then six short entries appear, from which 4 are clearly related to Imperatori-decks, 2 are likely to refer to Imperatori decks cause of context and price. From Adriano Franceschini: Note d'archivio sulle carte ferraresi in Ludica 2, p. 170-174

c. 10v - 1443: "147. Carte da Inperaturi per uxo de li chavalieri
L. (=Lire) --, s (soldi) 12, d(=denari)-- lo paro

c. 11v - 1443: "24. Carte da Inperaturi depinte da lato roversso
L. --, s. 18. d -- lo paro"

c.12, 1443: "206. Carte de Inperatore mezane dipinte da lato roversso
L. . s. 12, d. - lo paro"

c.13r, 1444: "24. Carte da Inperatori depinte da lato roversso ale devixe del Signore
L. --, s.12, d.--  lo paro

c.13r, 1444: "206. Carte depinte al dito modo, non cossi belle.
L. -, s. 12, d. lo paro."

c.13v,1444: "190. Carte pizole da zugare per cavalieri
L.--, s.3,   --- lo paro

c. 10v – 1443: "147. Emperor cards for the use of the knights
L.-, s. 12, d.- the pack."

c. 11v – 1443: "24. Emperor cards painted on the reverse side
L.- , s. 18, d.- the pack."

c. 12 – 1443: "206. Middle (?) Emperor cards painted on the reverse side
L. – s. 12, d. – the pack."

c. 13r – 1444: "24. Emperor cards painted on the reverse side with the device of the Lord
L. -, s. 12, d. – the pack."

c. 13r - 1444: "206. Cards painted in the similar way, ...
L.-, s. 12, d. - the pack".

c. 13v – 1444: "190. Small playing cards for the knights
L. - , s. 3, the pack."

It follow some entries around 1450 - 1452. The Debits and Credits for 1450 records on 28 July of 1450 (Franceschini 1993, 647h)

Maistro Piero Andrea de Bonsignore de avere adi XXVIII de luglio lire due de marchesani per sua fatura de havere depinto para doa de charte da Inperaduri da zugare, grande, da lato drito, e dal roverso depinte a schachiti, a soldi XX de marchesani per paro, per uxo dela sala delo Illustro nostro Signore
.......L. II. 
Maistro Piero Andrea de Bonsignore to have on XXVIII day of July two lire marchesane for his job having painted two packs of Emperor playing cards, large, on the front side, and on the back painted checkered, at XX soldi marchesane per pack, for the use of the chamber of our Illustrious Lord
……… L. II.

The Computisteria, Memoriali 3 (M) for the year 1450 records on lines 114ff., 29 of August (Franceschini 1993, 645t) -

Illustro nostro Signore, al suo capitolo, de dare adi XXVIIII de agosto lire due marchesane, per lui a Magistro Pedro Andrea de Bonsegnore per sua faticha de havere dipincto para dua de carte da imperaduri grande da zugare dal lato drito, et dal lato roverso schachate, a soldi 20 marchesani lo paro, per la sala del Illustro nostro Signore
... L. II.
Our Illustrious Lord, to his chapter, giving the XXVIIII day of August two lire marchesane, for him to Magistro Pedro Andrea de Bonsegnore for his job having painted two packs of large Emperor playing-cards on the front side, and on the back side checkered, a 20 soldi marchesane the pack, for the chamber of Our Illustrious Lord
… L. II.

The Guardaroba 33 of Credits and Debits (N), for 1452, records on 11 February (Franceschini 1993, 688a)

Maistro Piero Andrea de Bonsignore de avere sino adi XI de febraro per sua merzede de avere fato una pignata de negro, havuta la roba da la spenderia, zoè libre doe de vernixe liquida et quatro de raxa, fatone la dita pignata de negro per mandare al Mantoano a Sauolo per stanpire charte da Inperaduri da zugare, per uxo delo Illustro nostro Signore; chome apare mandato signato no._____; lire una, soldi diexe de marchesane
................. L. I. X.
Maistro Piero Andrea de Bonsignore having on the XI day of February for his expenses in having made a black pot, having a dispensing thing, that is to say two libre of varnish liquid and four of [raxa], making the said black pot to give to the Mantovano at Sassuolo for printing Emperor playing-cards, for the use of Our Illustrious Lord; as appears mandate signed no. _____; one lira, ten soldi marchesane
…………….. L. I. X.

(Note: the meaning of "raxa" is unclear)

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couldn't find the meaning of "raxa" liquid in the last. Not sure how Zoexe is anglicised - Josie?) ------------------------------